
As an American of Turkish origin and a New York Licensed CPA, she spent years living in Manhattan, cultivating a 13-year career in finance. However, she eventually left it all behind to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery. Immersing herself in the worlds of painting, music, and writing, she began crafting poetry, articles, and aphorisms that found their way into Turkish magazines and online platforms.

Her debut novel, ‘Sarwan—The Explorer and the Cavalry Master’, was traditionally published in Turkey. For her second book, ‘Journey to Red Dawn—The Torch of Life’, she signed a contract with the New York branch of a UK-based international publishing house. The English version is set to reach readers worldwide at the start of this summer. As for the Turkish version, she has begun discussions with a few publishers in Turkey that align with her vision.

Through her YouTube channel (@caglameydan211), she shares insights on spirituality and her inner journey of self-discovery in both languages, striving to connect with truth-seekers worldwide.