In this material world called the Earth, two opposing forces exist. Which one we choose to follow is entirely up to us. We can either turn our faces towards the sun, leaving our shadows behind, or we can turn our backs to the sun and chase the shadow that falls before us.
Most people live their lives by only seeing the mortal aspect of life. Very few live with the awareness that everything visible has an immortal and infinite side. These are the ones who understand that this life is merely a shadow or reflection of the true existence that lies beyond our perception.
We live in a dark world and often confuse our darkness with our true essence. The only thing that comes between us and the light of the Creator, casting a shadow, is our untamed ego. Our egos distance us from the one true reality and distract us with the illusory materials of this imaginary world. We chase after our limitless desires and pleasures in a world that, in reality, does not exist. We rush from one desire to the next without questioning. The moment we experience the satisfaction of attaining what we pursued, our desire for that thing vanishes. To keep this hollow satisfaction alive, we must constantly create new desires, and life flows by in the pursuit of these fleeting gratifications.
The reason satisfaction disappears upon attainment is because we are chasing after a false reality. In fact, at this point, if we change our perception and reality, we have the power to turn our ego to our advantage. Those who achieve this use their ego in the right direction. They dismount the donkey from their back and begin to ride it instead. They find the sun of truth within their being and, turning their face towards it, never see their shadow again.
Does the shadow ever disappear? Of course not, it still remains where it is. But now it’s left behind. Our ego is an inseparable part of us; we cannot destroy it. However, we can use it with the right intention, in the path of truth. This is within our power. Our entire being is in harmony with the Creator and serves existence. Regardless of the name, all efforts of those who walk the path of light are based on this.
Our ego, which is the only obstacle between us and the sun, is like a solar eclipse that blocks the sun. The only way to overcome this obstacle and control our ego is to continuously progress on the path leading to Him, to work on our character to be worthy of His manifestation, to see Him in everything, both inside and out, and to learn love and compassion.
Thus, throughout our lives, we can free ourselves from our chains, living without the need to hide anything, without shame from anyone. As we let the sun of truth rise within us and illuminate every particle outside, not even a bird’s shadow fall upon us.